Design of simple valve spring compressor for maintenance of the cylinder head of tugboat engine
Design, Simple valve spring compressor, Tugboat engineAbstract
The Top Overhaul stands as the initial phase of maintenance and repair involving the cleansing, inspection, measurement, analysis, or replacement of all components within an engine. Among its components, the cylinder head is a crucial element, and this research represents a step towards designing a simple valve spring compressor, a specialized service tool intended for the upkeep of tugboat engines. Methodologically, a combination of literature review and direct field observations was employed to gather supportive data for this design. The SolidWorks 2020 software facilitated the design process and enabled the analysis of its static load. Alloy steel was selected as the material for this specialized tool, with parameters such as von Mises stress, strain, displacement, and factor of safety serving as measures of the design model's strength. The valve spring compressor was structured as an assembly of multiple parts, allowing for adaptability in size to suit varying engine dimensions. Simulation results indicate that the working forces exerted on the design model remain below the material's yield strength threshold, thereby affirming its operational safety.
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