Feasible study of simple residence house functions in Pedes District, Karawang Regency
Simple residence house, feasibility study, Pedes DistrictAbstract
Indonesia is included in the category of countries with a sufficient level of vulnerability to disasters, one of which is earthquakes. To create a functional building in accordance with a building layout that is harmonious and harmonious with the environment, the reliability of the building must be guaranteed in terms of safety, health, comfort, and convenience. In Indonesia, efforts to ensure the reliability of buildings are regulated in Law Number 28 of 2002 concerning Buildings [1] and confirmed to Government Regulation Number 36 of 2005 [2] and clarified in the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing of the Republic of Indonesia Number 27/PRT /M/2018 [3] Concerning Certificates of Functional Appropriateness for Buildings and Their Timing. This has become Law Number 11 of 2020 [4] concerning Job Creation. According to the regulations, buildings are categorized as simple buildings such as residential houses, and non-simple buildings such as multi-story buildings. A simple home is a primary need that almost everyone has in its entirety. The reliability or suitability of a simple residence is very important, especially regarding safety aspects in addition to health, comfort, and convenience aspects. This research aims to examine the feasibility of building a simple residence in the Pedes Timur Karawang area that meets various required aspects. The method used is direct observation and interviews with building owners. Observations or inspections are based on the attachment to regulation Number 27/PRT/M/2018. In this review, research is divided into 3 (three) focuses, namely material aspects, upper structural aspects, and roof structural aspects. The research results show that the material aspect has 100% suitability, the upper structural aspect has 50-75% suitability and the roof structure has 40-60% suitability. The results of this research can be a reference for the Karawang Regency government in determining locations that are vulnerable to disasters, especially earthquakes, and determining steps to handle them.
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