Feasibility test of lithium-ion battery system on uwinfly T3 unit with smart battery management system (BMS)
Lithium-ion battery, uwinfly T3, battery management systemAbstract
Standard specifications The Uwinfly T3 (T3) electric scooter comes with a 60V 20Ah battery. This battery is known as an SLA battery or dry battery. This battery capacity allows the T3 to travel 50-70 km. Charging time is about 5-6 hours, with 100 Watts power. The T3 motor is a BLDC with 800 watts of power. The T3 can reach a maximum speed of 60 km/h. The purpose of this research is to test the T3 unit using a lithium backup battery with Smart BMS. The method in this study is to first assemble Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) 3.2V 15Ah model 32140FS as many as 20 pieces in series so that it becomes a 64V 15Ah LFP battery pack, and JK BD6A20S smart BMS is installed. Second, install the LFP battery pack on the T3 unit as a backup battery using a DC Single Pole MCB. Third, take data on passenger weight, acceleration, mileage, output power and temperature. From the test results conducted using SLA batteries and LFP batteries, the total mileage with 65 kg passengers is 130.2 km, and passengers weighing 130 kg get a total mileage of 123.8 km. Both of the test are using Speed 3 mode.
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