Modeling of an electrically driven PEM fuel cell bus

Modeling of an electrically driven PEM fuel cell bus


  • H Solmaz Department of Automotive Engineering, Gazi University, Turkey
  • T A Arslan Department of Automotive Engineering, Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey
  • T Kocakulak Vocational High School of Technical Sciences, Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Turkey


PEM fuel cell bus, Electrically energy, Automotive industry


When the literature and the goals of the leading companies in the automotive industry are examined, it is seen that the transition to electrification and renewable energy sources in the automotive industry is inevitable. It is known that the ideal renewable energy source for mobile systems is hydrogen. The most efficient conversion of hydrogen into electrical energy occurs with PEM fuel cells. Energy efficiency and environmental pollution factors are of great importance in transportation. The use of public transportation plays a significant role in improving these factors. In this study, the effects of using PEM fuel cells on energy efficiency and hydrogen consumption in buses used in urban public transportation were examined. Models of the power, linear vehicle, control, and energy systems of the fuel cell bus were created in the MATLAB Simulink environment. In the power system model, the electric motor characteristic map is used. Vehicle speed control is provided by PID controls. In the vehicle linear model, a model of the resistance forces acting on the vehicle was created. The energy system has a fuel cell system and battery pack model. NEDC and ECE-R15 drive cycles were used to evaluate the performance parameters of the bus. With the created model, the effects of changes in parameters such as total vehicle weight, rolling resistance coefficient, gear ratio, and regenerative braking efficiency on vehicle acceleration performance and hydrogen fuel consumption were examined.


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How to Cite

Modeling of an electrically driven PEM fuel cell bus. (2024). BIS Energy and Engineering, 1, V124009.

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