Development of a transfer function (TF) model for CNG control system design predictions
Transfer function model, CNG control system, Proportional-integral-derivativeAbstract
Fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles are currently a priority. Alternative fuels are a smart solution for switching towards vehicle technology that produces cleaner emissions and is, therefore, more environmentally friendly. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is a promising alternative fuel because it has more affordable energy prices and is more environmentally friendly. The development of CNG as a fuel-efficient vehicle technology requires a reliable control system. However, the development of this technology has complicated variables that affect its performance. For this reason, before designing a control system, it is necessary to model the system so that it can predict the level of success. This research uses the Transfer Function (TF) modeling approach. TF, as a modeling system, uses Proportional-integral-derivative (PID) as a model for achieving the stoichiometric value (17.2) Air to Fuel Ratio (AFR) CNG the control target system. CNG fuel savings are modeled using mathematical equations with external variables as an economizer system with variable road conditions. The AFR CNG lean value (above stoichiometry) describes the condition of achieving fuel savings under conditions when the economizer system is working. When the economizer system works, system modeling shows an increase in AFR above stoichiometry (18.2). This increase shows that fuel savings have been achieved. This research has not combined ignition time and environmental temperature conditions. Therefore, modeling with this variable is important for future research.
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