Low-cost remotely operated vehicle equipped with underwater pH measurement for water quality assessment
pH measurement, water quality, low cost vehicleAbstract
The construction of a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) has become crucial because it should be strong enough to withstand high water pressure, it makes the price of ROV become high. The need for water quality assessment is also increasing due to it will improve quality of human life. In this paper, we propose a low-cost ROV equipped with a pH sensor for Water Quality Assessment by using six DC motors and a microcontroller as the primary control system. Motor movements are governed using a joystick, which serves as the reference input for the PID control. Additionally, this ROV is equipped with a depth sensor to maintain its depth. Through the conducted tests, this ROV has demonstrated the capability to dive to a depth of 2 meters, with a dive duration of 5 minutes. The proposed ROV is expected to be an alternative solution for developing a low-cost water quality assessment robot.
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