The role of smart farming in food security
Smart farming, Food security, HydroponicAbstract
Fulfillment of food needs at this time must be done independently. The hydroponic method is an alternative as an efficient additional food fulfillment. This method can be done anywhere without depending on the area of land. In the process of growing with the hydroponic method, you must be able to control the temperature, humidity, PPM, and pH of the water. The application of conventional hydroponics has not yet provided optimal results. Smart hydroponics is a step in implementing technology to facilitate monitoring and control. This smart hydroponic method will carry out a monitoring and control process on pH, temperature, humidity, and PPM. The stability of the several variables that determine the growth and development of these plants will provide maximum quality and quantity of results. The stability of the raw water pH using the smart hydroponic method can be maintained between 5.5 – 6.5. In this smart hydroponic method, the average temperature can be controlled not to exceed 250° C. The next requirement is that PPM can be controlled according to the type of plant and also the age of the plant in a stable manner. The need for PPM in the application of smart hydroponics is controlled between 1050-1400. Of the several variables that can be maintained according to the needs of these plants can increase the quality and quantity of plants. This is proven in one of the plants that has been tested (kale kale) by applying the smart hydroponic method, it can be harvested in a range of 2-3 days faster with conventional methods. With these results, you can get an increase in the quality of a shorter planting time of 5 - 10% compared to conventional hydroponic methods.
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