Biomass-fueled stirling engine technology for sustainable electricity generation in remote areas of Indonesia: A review
Review, Biomass-fueled stirling, Engine technology, Sustainable electricity generationAbstract
Indonesia, as the world's largest archipelagic nation, grapples with the challenge of providing equitable electricity access, particularly in remote regions. Limited infrastructure and accessibility have resulted in constrained electrical supplies for communities in these areas. This study presents a thorough literature review on the application of Stirling Engine technology fueled by biomass in addressing the power distribution challenges in remote Indonesian regions. The review focuses on the fundamental principles, advantages, and potential challenges of implementing biomass-fueled Stirling Engines in Indonesia. Economic feasibility and environmental impact assessments underscore the technology's potential. The methodology employed in this study involves a comprehensive examination of the literature, encompassing the review of scholarly articles and other pertinent publications. Findings indicate significant promise for biomass-fueled Stirling Engine technology in providing sustainable electricity solutions in Indonesia's remote, biomass-rich regions. However, challenges such as the use of specialized gases and considerations of reliability, equipment costs, maintenance, and efficiency highlight areas for further refinement. This research offers valuable insights for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers seeking sustainable energy solutions for remote electrification in Indonesia.
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