Performance optimization of pertalite fuel gasoline engine with the addition of turpentine oil and ethanol

Performance optimization of pertalite fuel gasoline engine with the addition of turpentine oil and ethanol


  • T Rokhman Mechanical Engineering Department, Universitas Islam 45, Bekasi, Indonesia
  • P Paridawati Mechanical Engineering Department, Universitas Islam 45, Bekasi, Indonesia
  • R H Rahmanto Mechanical Engineering Department, Universitas Islam 45, Bekasi, Indonesia
  • A Surahto Mechanical Engineering Department, Universitas Islam 45, Bekasi, Indonesia
  • D A Prasetyo Mechanical Engineering Department, Universitas Islam 45, Bekasi, Indonesia


Pertalite, Turpentine oil, Ethanol


Motorized vehicles are the most frequently used mode of transportation in everyday life. Of the many types of vehicles, motorbikes are one of the most popular vehicles among the middle and lower middle class due to their minimalist design, fairly affordable prices and efficiency. With the increasing number of consumers using motorized vehicles, the need for fuel is becoming increasingly high, where there is a phenomenon of wasting energy, especially fuel oil (BBM). Realizing this, a lot of research and development has been carried out to streamline the energy used in petrol motorbikes, one of which is by adding bio-additives turpentine oil and ethanol to pertalite fuel. This research was carried out by testing on a dynamometer engine which was then collected in the form of recorded data to determine the composition of turpentine oil and/or ethanol in the pertalite mixture which produces optimum engine performance. From testing and data analysis, it was concluded that the addition of turpentine oil and ethanol could produce the most optimal torque of 10.97 N.m and power of 9.81 hp, higher than without any mixture or 100% pure pertalite. Likewise, the addition of this composition reduces engine fuel use because the highest savings occur in the mixture composition P: 70%, T: 10%, and E: 20% at 5500, 6000, 6500, 7000, and 7500 RPM with average consumption amounting to 0.3774 L/h compared to without any mixture or 100% pure pertalite which has a higher average consumption of 0.5836 L/h.


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How to Cite

Performance optimization of pertalite fuel gasoline engine with the addition of turpentine oil and ethanol. (2024). BIS Energy and Engineering, 1, V124020.

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