Analysis of the use of needle thrust bearings in CVT springs on torque and power on motorcycles
Needle thrust bearings, CVT springs, MotorcyclesAbstract
Several studies have been conducted on methods to enhance the torque and power output of automatic motorcycles. An intriguing addition to the Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) spring is the incorporation of a needle thrust bearing. Further investigation is required to examine the effects of employing needle thrust bearings on CVT springs on the torque and power of automatic motorcycles. The research seeks to quantify the effect of incorporating Needle Thrust Bearings into motorcycle CVT springs on the generated torque and power. A study was conducted to determine if the inclusion of the needle thrust bearing component has a substantial impact on the motorcycle's torque and power. Experiments were conducted using a Super Dyno 50L, a Dyno testing instrument manufactured by the brand Dyno. The test was conducted thrice, with careful consideration given to the engine's rotational speed (rpm) as a benchmark. The test results indicate that the utilization of Needle Thrust Bearings on CVT springs leads to an average torque increase of 5.32% and an average power increase of 5.84% compared to without the use of Needle Thrust Bearings on CVT springs.
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Copyright (c) 2024 H D Saputra, M Y Setiawan, D S Putra, W Purwanto, W Wagino, A Arif, W Afrizal, R Wahyudi (Author)

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