Empowering green technology through local wisdom in paser folktales
Green technology, Local wisdom, Paser folktalesAbstract
Local wisdom has evolved and been faithfully practiced within the unique fabric of a specific community. It inherently embraces sustainable and eco-conscious approaches across various facets of life. This research delves into the empowering in-fluence of Paser's indigenous wisdom on the realm of green technology. Employing a descriptive qualitative methodology particularly a study of literary works, this study leverages the rich tapestry of Paser's folktales as its primary data source. The findings underscore the presence of substantial local wisdom embedded in Paser's folk narratives, fervently advocating the principles of green technology. Paser’s folktales convey the potential for local wisdom to play a pivotal role in driving green technology advancement, encompassing diverse do-mains such as agriculture, resource management and utilization, architectural practices, trade systems, cost-effective solutions, and more. This study sheds light on the interplay be-tween traditional knowledge and modern innovation, presenting an intriguing pathway towards sustainable development and eco-conscious living.
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