Eco green development through the oxygen waqf program of Lazismu Bandongan
Eco green, Oxygen waqf, Environmental problemsAbstract
The Indonesian Waqf Board stated that in Indonesia, 23% of waqf land is used for worship facilities, education, funerals, and orphanages, and the remaining 73% of land has not been utilized. Therefore, LAZISMU Bandongan offers the concept of oxygen waqf as an effort to empower waqf land as well as eco green development as an alternative solution to environmental problems such as floods, landslides, global warming, and so on. This research is a qualitative descriptive study through field research on the oxygen waqf program at LAZISMU Bandongan. This study focuses more intensively on providing a comprehensive description and analyzing the oxygen waqf program as a form of eco-green development for the improvement of environmental ecosystems. The various benefits of the program include contributing to oxygen and water levels in the surroundings, wood being used for development and economic value, grass being used for animal feed, then sustainably for environmental education tours. This program starts from the wakif handing over his land to the Bandongan waqf assembly, and the management is handed over to LAZISMU Bandongan. Then the use of the vacant land is planted with trees productively. The result of this research is that the oxygen waqf program implemented by LAZISMU Bandongan provides benefits and positive impacts for the community and the surrounding environment, including the 1) ecology, 2) social, 3) economic, 4) hydrological, 5) religiosity, and 6) ecotourism.
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