Eco-friendly classroom: Environmentally-based language teaching for sustainable community
Eco-friendly classroom, Language teaching, Sustainable communityAbstract
The current global environmental disaster affecting the planet's ecosystems requires immediate action from all sectors and disciplines, including English language teaching (ELT), that must join in taking action to respond. This study aimed at (1) exploring the importance of environmental education in ELT, (2) explaining the strategy for incorporating environmental education in ELT, and (3) finding the implications of this action. This study used qualitative descriptive research design, with observation and documentation as tools for data collection. Data analysis was carried out through three stages following the Miles and Huberman (2008) model namely data reduction, display, and verification. The findings revealed that: first, incorporating environmental education into ELT is now considered very crucial, due to the increasingly severe environmental damage and the growing ecological issues that need attention from all parties. Second, it can be done by EFL teacher through: (a) fostering understanding and critical thinking through eco-friendly language learning material in all language skills; (b) raising students' awareness and feeling to take responsibility for protecting the environment; and (c) organizing to work together to preserve the environment. Third, as a result, it will equip learners with the skills to identify and take action against ecological problems. This article provides an overview of education study programs to develop such environment-based education in order to raise students’ environmental awareness for sustainable development.
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