Application of coffee skin compost on the growth of early robusta coffee seedlings in the Sanggabuana Mountains, Karawang
Sanggabuana coffee, Skin waste, Sustainable agricultureAbstract
Application of the use of Sanggabuana coffee skin waste to preserve and develop sustainable agriculture in Karawang Regency, the use of coffee skin waste aimed to reduce agricultural waste where the sustainable agricultural system was to increase environmental damage, maintain productivity, increase farmers' income and improve quality and productivity. quality of life of people in rural areas. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the application of Sanggabuana coffee skin waste compost in the pre nursery of Sanggabuana coffee. This study uses an experimental method with coffee skin waste compost as a treatment factor. This research will take place for 4 months, precisely during the main seedling process starting from the age of 1 months to 2 months of coffee seedlings. The treatment factors for coffee skin waste consist of 5 levels, namely A. No Compost Waste (0g/polybag), B. 200 g/polybag of coffee skin compost, C. 400 g/polybag of coffee skin compost, D. 600 g/polybag coffee skin waste compost, E. 800 g/polybag coffee skin waste compost. The design used in this study was a completely randomized design (CRD) which consisted of 1 factor and 5 levels and was carried out 4 times so that there were 20 experimental units. The results obtained were that coffee skin compost had a significant effect on the initial seeding of Sanggabuana robusta coffee. The coffee skin composting dose of 200 grams/polybag had the best effect on plant height parameters at 21 and 28 days after sowing, number of leaves, and root length.
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