Effect of partial substitution of broiler chicken rations with Gliricidia Sepium leaf meal on production performance, carcass, fat and digestive organs
Gliricidia sepium, Broiler chicken, Production performanceAbstract
The research aims to determine the effect of the substitution of Gliricidia sepium leaf meal (GLM) in broiler rations on production performance, carcass weight, fat and digestive organs. The experimental method used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five treatments and four replications using 100 broiler chickens aged 11 days. The treatments in this study consisted of P0: 100% commercial ration, P1: 98% commercial ration + 2% GLM, P2: 96% commercial ration + 4% GLM, P3: 94% commercial ration + 6% GLM, and P4: 92% commercial ration + 8% GLM. The ration treatment is given to chickens aged 11 days until harvest 32 days. The parameters observed included production performance such as feed intake (FI), body weight gain (BWG), feed conversion ratio (FCR), carcass, fat and digestive organs such as proventriculus weight, gizzard weight, duodenum weight, and jejunum + ileum weight. Rations and drinking water are provided ad libitum. The research results showed that the use of GLM to substitute feed up to a level of 8% did not have a significant effect (p>0.05) on production performance, fat and digestive organs. However, carcass weight yielded significant results (p<0.05). This research concluded that the substitution of part of the broiler chicken ration with Gliricidia sepium leaf meal up to a level of 8% in the chicken ration did not have a significant effect on the production performance, fat and digestive organs of broiler chickens, but has a significant impact on feed conversion ratio and percentage of carcass weight. The best use of Gliricidia sepium leaf meal in broiler rations is at the 4% level.
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