Vol. 1 (2024): The 5th BIS-STE 2023 in conjunction with The 1st INTERCONNECTS 2023

This proceeding is the publication of the 5th Borobudur International Symposium on Science and Technology (BIS-STE) 2023 in conjunction with 1st International Conference on Environment, Green Technology, and Digital Society (INTERCONNECTS) 2023 which was attended by participants from eight countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Hungary, Turkey, Tanzania, and the Philippines, who came from 64 institutions. For more detailed information, please visit https://bis.unimma.ac.id/ste/2023/
Keynote Speaker(s):
1. Prof. Thomas Kivevele, PhD., from The Nelson Mandela AIST, Tanzania.
2. Prof. Madihah M. Saudi, PhD., from Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia.
3. Prof. Hamit Solmaz, PhD., from Gazi University, Turkey.
4. Prof. Mustafa Mat Deris, from Universiti Muhammadiyah Malaysia, Malaysia.
Conference Organizer: See the details