Development of sustainable coconut bio industrial farming in Raja Ampat Regency, West Papua
Sustainable agriculture, Bio industrial, Coconut industryAbstract
Sustainable agriculture in Raja Ampat Regency, West Papua, is the focus of efforts to achieve food security and reduce environmental impacts. This re-search presents the development of coconut bioindustry innovation as a sustainable solution. Agricultural land is considered not only as a natural resource, but also as an industry that utilizes production factors to produce food and bioenergy products with the principles of reducing, reusing and recycling. This research produced an environmentally friendly coconut bio industrial farming model in Raja Ampat Regency. The results showed that the use of gradual heating and vinegar acidification methods produced quality cooking oil. Squeezing and centrifugation methods are used to produce quality virgin coconut oil. Farmers' response to the new technology was high, especially regarding the innovation in cooking oil production. Production of quality coconut oil and VCO increased, indicating that the development of coconut bio industrial agriculture can contribute to food security and waste reduction in Raja Ampat Regency, as well as create sustainable economic opportunities for local communities. This research provides findings to support sustainable agriculture in this and surrounding areas.
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