Temperature control system in the vaccine box uses the PID method with blynk application monitoring
Temperature control system, Vaccine box, PID methodAbstract
This journal discusses the manufacture of boxed vaccines using thermoelectric with temperature control using PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) modeling with the Ziegler-Nichols method and the temperature can be monitored using the Blynk application. In 2018, 64,3% of community health centers in the Palembang area did not have external freeztag vaccine monitoring tools for temperatures below 2 degrees Celsius, so that 50,6% of vaccines were damaged. The vaccine refrigerator temperature must be more than 8 degrees Celsius. Based on the Vaccine Vial Monitor (VVM) it is 50,5%, the vaccine is damaged and the vaccine is frozen by 9,3%. With this data, it can be said that there are still many vaccines that are damaged due to incorrect procedures for using the vaccine box. One use of vaccine boxes for vaccine distribution is using ice gel (thermal freeze) or ice cubes. Poor vaccine management occurs when the vaccine storage temperature reaches more than 8 degrees Celsius, resulting in damage to the vaccine. This happens when using a boxed vaccine. Vaccine boxes that are only equipped with ice gel that melts easily cannot maintain the temperature, causing the vaccine to be damaged. In the research, it was found that thermoelectric voltage parameter control can ensure that the temperature of the vaccine box is maintained at less than 6 degrees Celsius using the PID method and the use of a flashing application to monitor the temperature. This system was created to reduce dependence on the use of ice cubes or ice gel which melts easily when distributing vaccines.
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