Thin layer chromatography analysis and antibacterial activity of ecoenzyme solution
Ecoenzyme, Thin layer chromatography, Antibacterial activityAbstract
Ecoenzyme is known as fermented organic garbage solution that can be used for everyday purposes for example as organic liquid fertilizer and antiseptic. Until now, no information has been reported yet regarding further phytochemical tests and antibacterial activity of ecoenzyme solution. Based on these facts, it was deemed necessary to carry out this research in order to obtain scientific information regarding phytochemical activity using thin layer chromatography (TLC) as well as antibacterial activity contained in ecoenzyme solution. Initial screening for phytochemical content was carried out by testing alkaloids compound using the Wagner method, testing flavonoids and saponins compound using strong acid method. Advanced phytochemical tests were carried out using TLC using a silica gel plate with mobile phase, i.e., methanol: ammonia for alkaloid test, n-hexane: ethyl acetate: formic acid for flavonoid test, and chloroform: methanol for saponin test. Antibacterial activity test was carried out using disc method. Initial screening results on the phytochemical content of ecoenzyme solutions showed that three ecoenzyme solutions tested did not contain saponins. The TLC results showed that ecoenzyme solution derived from three types of fruit peel contained flavonoids and saponins, also this ecoenzyme has the best antibacterial activity against gram-positive and negative bacteria.
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Copyright (c) 2024 R D Eskundari, A Purwanto, N R Hanik, T Wiharti, S H Wardoyo (Author)

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