Comparative analysis of land surface temperature before and during the large-scale social restrictions due to covid-19 in Jabodetabek, Indonesia
Land surface, Temperature, Covid-19Abstract
Large-scale social restrictions (LSSR) have been implemented in various cities around the world, including in Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi), Indonesia, to limit anthropogenic activities that involve social interactions to reduce the spread of Covid-19. Restrictions on anthropogenic activities might have an impact on land surface temperatures (LST) in Jakarta and its surrounding areas. This research aims to analyze the timeline of the Covid-19 policy and to analyze the impact of LSSR on LST in Jabodetabek. LST were derived using Landsat 8 imagery, then spatial and temporal analysis were conducted by comparing several images with different acquisition dates. In general, the policy phase of adjusting the intensity of human activity consists of total LSSR and transitional LSSR. At the time before the LSSR policy was implemented in Jakarta, there were relatively high LST in Jabodetabek concentrated in almost the entire Jakarta area, almost half of Bekasi and several other areas directly adjacent to Jakarta. LST were low in the south and southwest of Bogor where the area is mountainous, and the northern part of Bekasi. When entering total LSSR phase 1 (22 April 2020), the LST in Jabodetabek decreased quite drastically, then continued to decrease until total LSSR phase 3 (24 May 2020). Furthermore, the temperature began to increase when the LSSR transitional period reached phase 1 (13 September 2020). This study reveals the possibility of utilizing satellite images to monitor environment due to changes in human activities.
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