The study of differentiated learning on students’ English language ability in the mechanical engineering program of STT Ronggolawe Cepu
Differentiated learning, English language ability, Mechanical engineering programAbstract
Differentiated learning is learning that accommodates students learning needs. Characteristics of differentiated learning include the learning environment invites students to learn, the curriculum has clearly defined learning objectives, there is ongoing assessment, teachers respond to or respond to students learning needs, and classroom management is effective Differentiated learning becomes unique when applied to higher education, especially in English lesson for non-English Department Students. In tutoring, the lecturers use various techniques but rarely use differentiated learning to improve students understanding of English. The study aims to determine the increasing of student’s English lesson. The method used in the research is descriptive qualitative method. In analyzing the data, the writer applies constant comparative method (CCM) is a process developed by Glaser and Strauss. After carrying out the research, the following are the results of implementing differentiated learning. First, self-confidence increases. Second, vocabulary mastery and pronunciation improve. Third, speaking and writing skills increase. Fourth, the methods applied by the lecturer is varied so that students are motivated in studying English. These factors result in improving students average English proficiency. This is proven by the average of final semester test score of 75 in 2023.
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