Experimental study of variations in fiber types and volume fractions of unsaturated polymer resin (UPR) composites on the mechanical and physical properties of the material
Biocomposite fiber, Volume fraction, Hand lay-up method, Unsaturated polyester resinAbstract
Biocomposites are a specific type of material derived from organic sources that exhibit enhanced biodegradability when they are discarded as waste. The utilization of biocomposites in various products can significantly contribute to waste reduction. This study focuses on the development of biocomposite materials using two different types of fibers, namely palm tree fiber and sea pandanus fiber, in combination with an Unsaturated Polymer Resin (UPR) matrix and varying volume fractions. The fabrication process involves creating four different types of specimens with distinct volume fractions: 5% fiber with 95% matrix, 10% fiber with 90% matrix, 15% fiber with 85% matrix, and 20% fiber with 80% matrix, utilizing the hand lay-up method. To evaluate the performance of the biocomposites, several physical and mechanical tests were conducted. The physical properties were assessed through density measurements, water absorption tests, and swelling tests. Interestingly, the physical property values were found to be relatively consistent across all fiber types. On the other hand, the mechanical properties, particularly the impact strength, exhibited variations among the different fiber composites. Notably, the palm fiber biocomposites demonstrated the highest impact strength, specifically at a fiber volume fraction of KSI3, yielding a value of 30,860 kJ/m2. Additionally, the tensile strength of the palm fiber biocomposite exhibited a deformation value of 25.73 MPa, indicating its ability to withstand stress. In summary, this research highlights the potential of biocomposites as environmentally friendly materials that can effectively reduce waste. The utilization of palm fiber in biocomposites shows promising results in terms of mechanical properties, particularly impact strength and tensile strength. These findings contribute to the advancement of sustainable materials and offer insights for further exploration and development in the field of biocomposites.
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