High efficiency process on the salted eggs preparation through the parameters optimization by using taguchi method
Taguchi method, Salted eggs, High efficiencyAbstract
This article presents experimental data on the salting process of salted eggs, which is one of the methods commonly used to increase the shelf life and taste of eggs. To achieve the highest desired salt content, this research uses Taguchi's experimental method to optimize temperature, pressure, and sanding parameters in the salting process. Experiments were conducted with various temperatures, pressures, and different types of sandpaper to identify the most effective combination of parameters. Experimental results show that the optimal conditions to achieve the highest salt content are at a temperature of 30°C, a pressure of 10 psi, and sandpaper with a size of 1200 grit. Under these conditions, the average salt content obtained is approximately 4.06%. This research makes an important contribution to developing a more efficient salting process for salted eggs and produces a higher quality product. By using Taguchi's experimental method, key parameters were identified and optimized, allowing producers to increase the production of salted eggs with a more consistent and higher salt content according to market needs.
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