Islamic Performance Index as an Islamic Banking Performance Measurement: Bibliometric Analysis

Islamic Performance Index as an Islamic Banking Performance Measurement: Bibliometric Analysis


  • V S Dewi Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang


Islamicity Performance Index, IPI, performance measurement, bibliometric review, Islamic Banking


The performance measurement indicators used must be appropriate to the needs of each of these organizations so that the results can be used as an appropriate decision-making tool as well. The Islamicity Performance Index (IPI) is still a performance measurement indicator that is considered the most in line with sharia principles. This study aims to determine the development of IPI-related studies from 2004-2022 using bibliometric analysis. Bibliometrics is an analytical technique used to determine research developments based on the bibliography. The article data used are articles published on Google Scholar starting in 2004 where the IPI indicator was formed, until 2022. Restrictions on data collection and selection are based on the certain criteria. The results showed that most of the research related to IPI was in the form of a repository. The article entitled "The Influence of Intellectual Capital and Islamicity Performance Index on the Financial Performance of Islamic Banking in Indonesia" which was published in the Multi-Dimensional Accounting Journal (JAMDI) Volume 2 number 1 of 2019 was the most cited article, 127 times. Sabri Nurdin and Muhammad Suyudi became the most influential writers for other publications. IPI-related publications first appeared on Google Scholar in 2011 with two publications in the form of repositories from final year students at Diponegoro University and Gajah Mada University. 2021 was the year that the most published works related to IPI were 48 publications, then 2020 and 2019 respectively 40 and 33 publications. In publications related to IPI, the keywords most often used in titles and abstracts are the Islamicity Performance Index itself which appears 130 times, then Indonesia, ratio, Islamic Commercial Banks, performance is in the top five. Islamic financial institutions can implement the results of this research as a basis for compiling instruments for assessing the performance of their organizations based on the IPI indicators that are most widely used in research or studies that are most widely cited so that performance measurements are carried out correctly.


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How to Cite

Islamic Performance Index as an Islamic Banking Performance Measurement: Bibliometric Analysis. (2024). Proceedings Series of Borobudur International Symposium on Economics and Business, 1, V124013.