Strategic planning for quality performance through supply chain quality management: A systematic literature review
Strategic planning, Supply chain Quality management, Quality performanceAbstract
This study focused on the content of strategic planning, supply chain quality management (SCQM), and quality performance. The history of SCQM has appeared in several previous studies, but the integration of variables, along with the addition of long-term thinking, with strategic planning variables does not provide comprehensive information in the literature. This study aims to present literature results regarding the importance of conceptual integration of Supply Chain Quality Management (SCQM), Quality Performance, and Strategic Planning in a company's operations. This research method involves a systematic literature review. The research results in this literature review reveal the possibility of a relationship between strategic planning, SCQM, and Performance Quality. The implication in the field of science is the addition of new information regarding the variables that have been studied. Meanwhile, the implication for companies is increasing knowledge in carrying out their operations, helping to maintain the quality of supply chain routes from upstream to downstream, thereby increasing the competitiveness of the products produced.
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