Evaluation of BTS tower structure to the addition of SST 3 Leg 51 meter antenna tower

Evaluation of BTS tower structure to the addition of SST 3 Leg 51 meter antenna tower


  • E Darma Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Islam 45, Bekasi, Indonesia
  • M N A Arifin Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Islam 45, Bekasi, Indonesia
  • A S S Gunarti Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Islam 45, Bekasi, Indonesia
  • S Nuryati Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Islam 45, Bekasi, Indonesia
  • E Yulius Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Islam 45, Bekasi, Indonesia
  • F Prihesnanto Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Islam 45, Bekasi, Indonesia


BTS tower, Transmission antennas, SST 3 Legs


Increasing network capacity and quality is done by upgrading or adding devices on telecommunication towers, including the addition of sector antennas or transmission antennas. The addition of devices in telecommunication towers results in an increase in the load that must be carried by the telecommunication tower. This study aims to evaluate the structure of the bts tower against the addition of antenna tower sst 3 leg 51 meters by engineering software for tower antenna. The stability analysis of the telecommunication tower includes the stress ratio variables that occur in the tower elements, tower sway, tower torsion, tower displacement, and support reactions that occur. In addition, the strength of the connections in the structure and foundation were analyzed against the loads received by the tower structure. Analysis and modelling in this research are assisted by engineering software for tower antenna (MS Tower) and refers to the EIA Standard Structural for steel Antenna Tower and Antenna Supporting Structure (TIA-222-F). The results of the analysis of the existing antenna device and the addition of the antenna device with the maximum wind speed according to the EID / TIA-222-F regulations obtained the ratio on the leg of 1.057. Which means it exceeds the permit stress ratio value required by AISC-LRFD which is < 1.0. So that reinforcement is needed on panels that have a ratio above the permit voltage. The results of the analysis of the tower structure, connection, and foundation after reinforcement were found to be safe.


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How to Cite

Evaluation of BTS tower structure to the addition of SST 3 Leg 51 meter antenna tower. (2024). BIS Energy and Engineering, 1, V124018. https://doi.org/10.31603/biseeng.56