Improving the performance of a gas stove-powered thermoelectric generator (GSPTG) by adding a fin hot side heat exchanger (F-HHX)

Improving the performance of a gas stove-powered thermoelectric generator (GSPTG) by adding a fin hot side heat exchanger (F-HHX)


  • A Jamaldi Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Warga Surakarta, Sukoharjo, Indonesia
  • N T Atmoko Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Cilacap, Cilacap, Indonesia
  • H K Hassan Zanzibar Water Authority – ZAWA, P.O.Box 460, Mabluu, Zanzibar, Tanzania
  • F Fariyono Department of Electrical Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Warga Surakarta, Sukoharjo, Indonesia


GSPTG, F-HHX, TEG module


Utilizing waste heat into electrical energy from conventional gas stoves is possible by applying a thermoelectric generator (TEG). This research conducted a more in-depth study regarding the use of a Fin Hot Side Heat Exchanger (F-HHX) of a Gas Stove Powered Thermoelectric Generator (GSPTG) to improve the produced power output from TEG. The three models of F-HHX used in this research are short fin, long fin, and tilted fin. Four TEG are connected in a series circuit and placed on the gas stove. Measurements were made on temperature and electrical output from TEG. The energy balance calculation was carried out to determine the efficiency of GSPTG. The research results show that using F-HHX will affect the energy balance and electrical output from GSPTG. The tilted fin type absorbs the most heat energy from a heat source at 94.112 J/s. The results of measuring the power output of the TEG module when the F-HHX tilted fin model is applied produce the highest power output at 3.369 Watts if compared with the other fin. Using the F-HHX tilted fin model indicates that it is more effective as a GPSTG hot side heat exchanger because it absorbs more heat and produces a power output.


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How to Cite

Improving the performance of a gas stove-powered thermoelectric generator (GSPTG) by adding a fin hot side heat exchanger (F-HHX). (2024). BIS Energy and Engineering, 1, V124013.