Territorial assets and sustainable development: A study of competitiveness in Central Java's Regencies

Territorial assets and sustainable development: A study of competitiveness in Central Java's Regencies


  • S Maemunah Research Center for Domestic Government, Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • A Prasetyo Regional Development Planning Agency of Magelang City, Magelang, Indonesia
  • H Wahyudianto Regional Development Planning Agency of Papua Province, Jayapura, Indonesia


Territorial assets, Sustainable development, Competitiveness


This research investigates the role of Regional Capital in shaping competitiveness and development in the districts of Blora, Rembang, Jepara, Kudus and Pati, located in Central Java, Indonesia. The research focuses on the diversity of eco-nomic, social, cultural and natural assets in each region, and analyses their impact on regional competitiveness. The research methodology is based on qualitative description with secondary data collection from the publication Mapping Region-al Competitiveness of Central Java Province 2018-2023. The research findings show that effective integration of these assets, within the Regional Capital framework, has significant positive implications for competitiveness and development in the five districts. These insights provide a clearer understanding of the dynamics of regional development in Central Java Province. Therefore, local governments can use these findings to formulate more specific and relevant policies that are tailored to the unique characteristics of each region. This research makes a significant contribution in understanding the potential and challenges of development in Blora, Rembang, Jepara, Kudus and Pati districts. The results of this study are expected to guide policy makers in optimising resources and im-proving sustainable welfare in these regions.


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Territorial assets and sustainable development: A study of competitiveness in Central Java’s Regencies. (2024). Proceedings Series of Borobudur International Symposium on Economics and Business, 1, V124010. https://doi.org/10.31603/biseb.73

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