Model of strengthening local commodity entrepreneurship based on e-commerce: Study at Village owned enterprises Buana Mekar, Karawang
E-commerce, Local commodity, EntrepreneurshipAbstract
This study was initiated because of the insufficient entrepreneurial skills of coffee farmers and the managers of the Village-Owned Enterprises Buana Mekar in the face of the growing influence of technology-based businesses. Additionally, in the era of globalization, marketing strategies for goods and services are increasingly reliant on online media to reach a wider consumer base. This study aims to design an e-commerce-based marketing strategy for local commodity products. The Village-Owned Enterprises Buana Mekar program seeks to enhance community entrepreneurship competency, create high-quality local commodity products, and promote com-munity empowerment and welfare through the efforts of coffee farmers. This research utilized the descriptive method of the ADDIE model, which involves five phases; 1) conducting a feasibility analysis to assess product viability and determine development requirements. 2) formulating systemic activities, including goal setting, design, and evaluation tools to guide the development process. 3) the emphasis was on designing and producing small-scale product prototypes to ensure a practical and interactive development approach. 4) implementation of the designed products and methods, allowing for testing and refinement. 5) involved a comprehensive evaluation of products and methods at predetermined intervals, facilitating continuous improvement and adjustments as necessary. In conclusion, this study aims to address the challenges faced by coffee farmers and Village-Owned Enterprises Buana Mekar managers by providing a structured approach to developing e-commerce-based marketing strategies for local commodity products. This approach is expected to contribute to the enhancement of community entrepreneurship competency, production of superior local commodity products, and community empowerment and welfare.
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