Smart cities and smart village in Indonesia: Bibliometric analysis

Smart cities and smart village in Indonesia: Bibliometric analysis


  • G M Munandar Muhammadiyah Gombong University, Kebumen, Indonesia
  • E A Wibowo Muhammadiyah Gombong University, Kebumen, Indonesia
  • M N W Hidayah Muhammadiyah Gombong University, Kebumen, Indonesia


Smart cities, Smart village, Bibliometric analysis


In Indonesia, only big cities like Jakarta, Medan, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Makassar, and many others have adopted the concept of Smart City. The main concept of this study is that Indonesia has the potential to develop its smart system, for example in rural areas that have not implemented the internet of things and other technology. Bibliometrics was used to validate the concept of the smart village that can be applied in Indonesia based on the references found in Scopus, the parameters are the number of research, the most cited, the most productive author and country, and the last mind map Vos viewer. The purpose of this study is to analyze the smart village system that can be applied in Indonesia based on bibliometric references. This is qualitative and quantitative research, which means that this research uses qualitatively using technique descriptive statistics and quantitative using bibliometric and Vos viewer as a tool. The smart village is a hot topic for the next Indonesian researchers, which serve as references for the upcoming research.


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How to Cite

Smart cities and smart village in Indonesia: Bibliometric analysis. (2024). Proceedings Series of Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Science, 1, V124018.

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