Infrastructure in tourism promotion: Feasibility study of Camera 360 application in Pantai Sembilan, Giligenting, Indonesia
Tourism promotion, Camera 360, Pantai SembilanAbstract
Virtual tour is one of the developments in virtual reality technology that is able to explore a place to get information and images about the place using computer devices and smartphones. There needs to be a development of promotional media for Gili Sembilan Beach tourism in Sumenep in the form of application content that is fully packaged and attractive to tourists, both domestic and foreign. This research method is using the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MLDC) method. Followed by the second stage is to create virtual tour media content and the last is to apply promotion. The creative concept of the application content is equipped with a virtual reality feature that displays tourist destinations in 360°, so that users can feel a space experience that gives its own impression. related to the concept, data material collected, design and application of application content results that can later be distributed as an effort to promote tourism objects in online media and social media.
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